First Party Data Cannot be Overrated
This year two factors will change the way advertisers will use first party data. The long and short of it is they will grow to depend on it more. Of course they will continue to use the data of...
View ArticleWinning Ad Formats for the New Environment
As Facebook continues to grow its power in the ad world, concerned brands and publishers who don’t want to rely on a single supplier are putting on their thinking caps about what ad formats will work...
View ArticleCould Floods of Instant Articles Corrupt the Facebook User Experience?
Beginning in April, Facebook is going to allow any publisher to upload content via Instant Articles, its mobile-optimized content format . Until now, the platform has been in beta with a small number...
View ArticleBrands Need Better Data for Attribution Models
Last year brands learned that taking programmatic in-house was more difficult than most of them realized. Many of them found out that they had to hire for skill sets they found unfamiliar. At the same...
View ArticleWinds of Change for Publishers With EU Visitors
We keep saying this, but it’s true: hold on to your hats as the winds of change once again blow through the online advertising business. Industry groups trying to improve the online ad ecosystem have...
View ArticleFewer Ads, Better Results
Saturday Night Live has decided to eliminate 30% of its ad slots next year, giving more time for show content and introducing six spots for branded content. SNL is not the only publisher to make a...
View ArticleThe Death of the Marketing Funnel
Media buying still reflects an era that ended a decade ago with the Great Recession. Before that recession, consumers were concerned with accumulating “stuff”; it was all about bigger houses and cars,...
View ArticleGoogle is Going to Research Acceptable Ads
Facebook and Google control somewhere between 65% and 80% of all ad dollars, so you can be sure they will both try to make the world safe for advertising. Facebook has already done so with newsfeed...
View ArticleSnapchat Takes on Facebook with Big Advertising Push
Snapchat has decided to make it as easy as it possibly can for marketers to advertise on its site. That means launching a new API and announcing a group of new partners. The API will allow third...
View ArticleHow Advertising Can Win
It doesn’t take too much foresight to know that the era of mass media is dying a slow death, and the era of individualized story telling is about to begin. The statistics about TV watching, shifting...
View ArticleA DMP Should Be in Your Future
The biggest new trend in digital marketing for 2016 in the Data Management Platform (DMP). It’s not new, but it has finally become an object of consideration as advertisers hope to reverse the trend...
View ArticleExpect to Pay More for Ads Next Year
Media planners are going to have to get used to paying more for media. There are three changes that dictate the difference between what you used to pay for inventory, and what you will pay going...
View ArticleAugmented Reality Re-Emerges in Advertising
The cool thing about the world of advertising is how quickly it can change. Augmented reality first appeared in some brand ads as far back as 2012. Disney has experimented with it, as has Toyota. Most...
View ArticleUnlockd Tests New Business Model for Mobile Ads
What will be the ROI on mobile advertising? Nobody knows yet. It’s still too new, and only now is beginning to attract the percentage of ad dollars that it should have, given the way consumers spend...
View ArticleNative Ad Transparency Report Draws Attention
You probably have not heard of the Online Trust Alliance before last week. That’s when it released its controversial Native Advertising Transparency Report. This report, which analyzed the top 100...
View ArticleAdBlock Wars Are Fruitless
The ridiculous escalation of the #AdblockWars is a race between publishers and consumers that will lead nowhere good. There can’t be a winner, and in fact the current situation is a lose-lose-lose. The...
View ArticleHow ZINC Can Fix Your Media Plan
I spoke at an iMedia conference a few weeks ago, and found out that ZINC isn’t well-known in the market. For the past three years, we’ve been building a stellar roster of clients, but we don’t talk too...
View ArticleMobile Advertising Grows Faster than Expected
The Brexit did not stop the growth of digital ad spending, according to a forecast issued by Zenith Optimedia. The global market is, in fact, strengthening, driven by the US, Western Europe, and the...
View ArticleWhy Native Ads May Not Deliver
There have been some interesting studies recently on the low return rates of advertisers who try native advertising. Although spending on native ads is increasing rapidly, and is expected to reach $20...
View ArticleZINC Leads in Outstream for a Reason
The biggest complaint in the advertising industry as we drop further into Q4, its busiest season, is the lack of video inventory. Everybody wants to run video ads, because video completion rates are...
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